Friday, February 6, 2009

Industrialization and Cities

The Industrial Revolution and the age of exploration both began in the 16th century. This was happening in the European countries and resources and wealth eventually brought up the emergence of capitalism. Resources and wealth also made Empires where people had protection and guarantees which were basically laws back then. Laws came about because of the Empires that were forming. An interesting story about one of the first empires and how it was ruined follows...
On the other hand, colonies were also emerging. This brought up state of exception which was the suspension of all the laws and rights. No individual was protected and anything was able to happen without any consequences.
In the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries the rise of the corporation occured, they took over from the monarchies. The most famous and successful corportaion was the East India Company. The other side of this is the Technological Innovations that occured. The Steam Engine was huge because it increased the productivity of machines, transportation, and agricultural production. Also, small scale local productions called Cottage Industries formed which are now present day factories. During this time population and capital produces the factory, it makes them larger and more efficient.
Two german words that have great meaning are Gemeinschaft which is the german word for community. This is basically ascribed status while the other word Gieseillschaft which is society associations and that status is achieved. A great term in this time was Contractual which meant that everything we do is based around a contract, such as arranged marriages . By this point people really started to become individuals.
Also at this point in time family really started to become important. The nuclear family which is your imediate family became important because it represented stability. An interesting facet is the wea;thier the family was , the less important family was to them. The poorer the family was the more important family was to those indiividuals. Over time capital forcesthese social relationships to change which ended up resulting in seperated individuals also known as Nonads.

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