Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First Blog

1/30/2009 - 5:00:14 PM

This is my first blog ever! I am going to start out lighty and hopefully progress every week with new blogs. It will be interesting to compare these first few blogs to my final ones.
Urban Sociology was an intersting class today as we learned many numbers and facts about cities and how they have emerged over centuries. 7,000 years ago was when the first cities came about. So cities have obviously not been on earth as long as humans have. Cities gradually came about in places such as Mesoptamia, Egypt, China, and Peru.
Many definitions in todays class were interesting such as a Mega City which is a city with 10 million plus people. Also the comparisons between the past and future predictions were very cool. There was only two Mega Cities in 1900 which were New York and London and inthe year 2020 there is to be predicted over 20 Mega Cities! In 1900 there was only one billion people on earth compared to 2030 where there is to be a predicted 8 billion, 8 times as many! If you think about this cities have just grown enormously over time. As the population grew, the cities grew.
People that live in cities have certain attitudes and a different kind of psychology emerges. They have what is called a Blaze attitude. With so much going on around them they just seem to zone out and not be distracted by all of the distractions around them. They seem all relaxed and in another zone.

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