Friday, February 13, 2009

The Great Towns

Frederick Engels elaborated on how England was the most powerful kingdom with lots of rivers, waterways, and colonies which made it the first nation to industrialize. In the 1780's there was about 20,000 people there and by 1801 there was 70,000 people! So in about 20 years the kingdom more than tripled it's population.
This kingdom worked because it had the Geimenschaft quality. This was a community where everyones was communistic and religion played a huge role. By saying communistic these people were basically like thye Amish in how everyone contributes and helps out. This type of life would not stay forever...
The Geisellschaft type of life soon took over. This is where people had self seeking interests, private property, and specialized labor was happening which is one peticular type of job. Wage and money started to be very important to people and people started reducing labor costs to induce profit.
In the Geimenschaft there was like a consensus which is an agreement. Mechanical solidarity and Organic solidarity started to take place as well as the Division of Labor. The Gemeinschaft all had to do with community, mechanical, status, and was traditional. The Geseillschaft had to do with contract, organic, class, and was modern.
To further understand more about these two bug "G" words you can click this link

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