Thursday, April 23, 2009

Global Markets

Right now in society there are many things regarding Global markets and super-profits. The De-linking from actual production is what makes super-profits. As trillions of dollars are coming through and beiong transported, entrepreneurs and such are skimming the money. They are taking it from point A to point B. An example of a global financial system being used here is PayPal, which people use over the internet. Many people don't even know where their money is going when they use this system. That is why people get into debt and the next time they check their accounts they are in negative numbers. A lot of the time banks don't want to lend people money because they don't think they will be paid back and overtime they feel the dollar will be worth more if they hold onto it. This is deflation, which is that the dollar is worth more than it was a year ago, so the more you saved, the better shape you are in. Inflation is when economists say that the less the dollar is worth, the better it is for them. At a time of inflation banks are more so willing to lend out money.
Super-profits benefit specific firms. A firm that benefits from super-profits is The Lehman Brothers. Super-profits come from Globalization. The United States is the center of Global finance, which is a reason for Deterrotorialization. This is when a company moved and detached itself from everything going on. After that stage the company will Reterrotorialize which is when the company goes to a different area such as moving from the U.S. to Barbados, and that company then won't have to pay taxes.
Starting in the 1980's into the 90's and 2000's New York City is like a Disneyland, it's become a huge destination. Times Square is like the Disneyland, it is a Gentrification, the downtown area. A big idea to expand capital markets is using creative destruction. This is when they blow up and destroy their infrastructure. Here is a link talking a little more about how creative destruction is helpful... They can then build brand new factories which are more modern and up to date. In the early 80's the Bronx was destroyed and most of it was rubel. There were also alot of abandoned buildings and open lots. This destruction is a good thing, it opens up to the possibility for value and to regenerate again. After this there are three main points. The uses of space, starts to change and it's all about cultural production. The change in perspective, the people's relationship to the space. The last is The change in the nature of the space, the reinvestment of it all.

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